Companions: The old society, the unjust and cruel society that condemns those who work and sweat to all kinds of deprivation, and that rewards the laziness of a few with all the pleasures of life; this corrupt society that cannot and does not want to guarantee well-being and freedom to all human beings; This society is crumbling, this society is collapsing, this society is about to disappear; But now dying, it still has the strength to tear from our ranks, from the ranks of the poor, those brave ones who have made the greatest efforts to overthrow it. Raúl Palma is a worker, he is disinherited, he is a proletarian who understands that every human being, by the mere fact of coming to life, has the right to satisfy all his needs, and this simple principle of social justice, of human justice , he propagated it relentlessly, in the press, on the platform, everywhere, eager to see his class brothers free from chai...