The Organizing Junta of the Mexican Liberal Party to the workers of the United States November 17, 1914
It is known that the Mexican people are in a state of armed Revolution since four years ago, but very little is known about the nature of the gigantic movement, due to the fact that the capitalistic press tries to confuse through different means the minds of its readers, pretending that all the trouble there lies in useless quarrels of leaders, a conflict between spurious ambitions, whose only object is to strive for the Presidency of the Republic. Nevertheless, as time flies away the truth is by and by illuminating the doings that occur to the South of the Rio Grande. Those doings prove that the movement developing in Mexico is not the result of the clash of petty passions, but a social phenomena produced by the antagonism of the interests of the two classes in which capitalist system has humanity divided, that of the rich and that of the poor, that of the well-fed and that of the starving, that of the proprietors and that of the proletaria...