Without pretending to be infallible, we are sure to arrive at the right time. Yesterday would have been too early; tomorrow, maybe, too late.
So here we are, in the middle of our hour, ready to follow the path that we have traced for ourselves to its ultimate consequences; to channel the social action of women, giving her a new vision of things, preventing her sensitivity and her brain from being contaminated by male errors. And we understand by male errors all current concepts of relationship and coexistence; masculine errors, because we energetically reject all responsibility in the historical evolution, in which the woman has never been an actor, but an obligated and defenseless witness.
This is not a recrimination for anyone; If the entire past of ignominy in which we were plunged hurts us, we do not dare to think, however, that it could be otherwise; We know that Humanity is making its way at the expense of its own pain and we are not interested in recalling the past, but in shaping the present and facing the future, with the certainty that in women Humanity has its supreme reserve, an unprecedented value capable of vary, by law of its own nature, the whole panorama of the world.
Resurrection of feminism? Bah! Feminism was killed by war, by giving women more than they asked for by brutally throwing them into forced male substitution. Feminism that sought its expression outside of the feminine, trying to assimilate strange virtues and values does not interest us; it is another feminism, more substantive, from the inside to the outside, an expression of a "way", of a nature, of a diverse complex compared to the complex and masculine expression and nature.
Declaration of war, perhaps? No. compenetration of interests, fusion of anxieties, desire for cordiality in search of the common destiny. Desire to bring to life the sense of balance that it lacks, and where all its ills come from.
But this is already more than feminism. Feminism and masculinism are two terms of a single proportion; Some years ago a French journalist, Leopoldo Lacour, found the exact expression: integral humanism.
For lack of integrity and, consequently, for lack of balance, civilization threatens to collapse. The species to reproduce needs two elements, male and female; Society is the environment in which the species develops, and if the aforementioned elements do not concur equally in the creation of this environment, it is inevitable that a dangerous imbalance occurs in the moral being, which can lead to paths of ruin. the whole of humanity.
Here is the terrible crossroads we now find ourselves at. Excess of audacity, rudeness, inflexibility. masculine virtues, have given life this fierce meaning by which some feed on the misery and hunger of others; Humanity has developed in a unilateral direction and that is the consequence. The absence of women in history has led to a lack of understanding, pondering and affection, which are their virtues, and in whose counterweight the world would have found the stability that it lacks.
These are decisive moments for history, it is necessary to resume the path, rectify errors, subvert concepts and, above all, give each thing, each fact, each human manifestation, the value it has for itself and for the intention that it has. produces, detached from modifying circumstances or accidents; and nobody, absolutely nobody, can shrug their shoulders and remain oblivious to that imposing task of gestation.
For this reason, MUJERES LIBRES was born; he wants, in this air full of perplexities, to make heard a sincere, firm and disinterested voice: that of the woman; but a voice of his own, hers, the one born from his intimate nature; the one not suggested or learned in the choirs of theorizers; To do this, it will try to prevent the woman subjected yesterday to the tyranny of religion from falling, by opening her eyes to full life, under another tyranny, no less refined and even more brutal, that is already close to her and greed as an instrument of her ambitions. : politics.
Politics pretends to be the art of governing the people. Perhaps this is in the field of abstract definitions; but in reality, in that reality that we suffer in our flesh, politics is the rot that corrodes the world. Politics is like saying power, and where there is power there is slavery, which is relaxation and moral misery.
MUJERES LIBRE declares itself for a free and dignified life, where each man — we use this word in a generic sense — can be the master of himself.
MUJERES LIBRES affirms that to discover new horizons it is necessary to discover new watchtowers. Politics disgusts us, because it does not understand human problems, but rather sect or class interests. The interests of the people are never the interests of politics. This is the permanent incubator of war. Politics always, always, carries in its entrails the germ of imperialism. There are no straight lines in politics. It could be represented by zero forever biting its tail.
MUJERES LIBRES seeks the infinite line of direct and free action of crowds and individuals. New life must be built by new procedures.
We are certain that thousands of women will recognize their own voice here, and soon we will have with us a whole young woman who is agitated disoriented in factories, fields and universities, eagerly looking for a way to channel their concerns into formulas of action.
May 1936
Unknown Author
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