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March 16, 1918 Manifesto "To Anarchists around the World and to the Workers in General" Roberto F. Magon

        The clock of History is close to signaling, with its inexorable needle, the moment in which the death of this dying society will take place.

        The death of the old society is near, it does not take long to occur, and only those who are interested in it living, those who take advantage of the injustice on which it is based, those who view the Social Revolution with horror, because they know that the day after her they will have to work side by side with their slaves from the day before.

        Everything indicates, with force of evidence, that the death of bourgeois society is not long in coming. The citizen looks with a grim look at the cop, whom he still considered his protector and support yesterday; the assiduous reader of the bourgeois press shrugs his shoulders and drops with contempt the prostituted page on which the declarations of the heads of state appear; The worker goes on strike without caring that his attitude harms the national interests, already aware that the Fatherland is not his property, but the property of the rich; in the street you can see faces that clearly betray the inner storm of discontent, and there are arms that seem to be shaking to build the barricade; it is whispered in the canteen; it is whispered in the theater; it is whispered in the tram, and in every home, especially in our homes, in the homes of those below, the departure of a son to war is lamented, or hearts are oppressed and eyes are moistened at the thought that tomorrow, perhaps today, the young man who is the joy of the slum, the young man who with his freshness and his grace envelops the sad existence of the parents who are in their twilight , will be torn from the loving bosom of the family to go to confront him, arm in arm, with another young man who is, like him , the charm of his home, and who he does not hate, and who he cannot hate because he does not even know him.

        The flames of discontent are fanned by the breath of ever more arrogant and cruel tyranny in every country, and here and there, there and there, and everywhere, fists clench, minds are exalted, hearts beat violently , and where it is not murmured, it is shouted, all sighing for the moment when the hands calloused in a hundred centuries of work must drop the fertile tool to raise the rifle that is waiting nervously for the hero's caress.

        Comrades: the moment is solemn; it is the precursor of the greatest political and social catastrophe that history registers: the insurrection of all the peoples against the existing conditions.

        It will be, surely, a blind impulse of the suffering masses; it is going to be, no doubt, the disorderly explosion of anger, compressed only by the revolver of the henchman and the gallows of the executioner; it is going to be the overflow of all the indignations and all the bitterness, and the chaos will take place, the propitious chaos to the prosperity of all the fishermen in troubled waters; chaos from which new oppressions and tyrannies can arise, because in those cases, regularly, the charlatan is the leader .

        It is up to us, the conscious ones, to prepare the popular mentality for when the moment arrives, since not to prepare the insurrection, because the insurrection is born of tyranny.

        Prepare the people not only to wait with serenity for the great events that we glimpse, but also to be capable of not being dragged by those who want to lead them, now along flower paths, to the same slavery or tyranny similar to the one we suffer today. To ensure that unconscious rebellion does not forge with its own arms the new chain that will once again enslave the people, it is necessary that we, all of us who do not believe in Government, all of us who are convinced that Government, whatever its form and whoever is in front of it, it is tyranny, because it is not an institution created to protect the weak, but to protect the strong, let us rise to the occasion and fearlessly propagate our holy anarchist ideal, the only one human, the only righteous, the only true one.

        Failure to do so is knowingly betraying the vague aspirations of peoples for unlimited freedom, other than natural limits, that is, freedom that does not harm the conservation of the species.

        Failure to do so is to leave  freely to all those who want to take advantage, for purely personal purposes, of the sacrifice of the humble.

        Not to do so is to affirm what our opponents say, that the time when our ideal can be implanted is very far away.

        Activity, activity and more activity, that is what the moment demands.

        That every man and every woman who loves the anarchist ideal, propagate it with determination, stubbornly, without making appreciation of ridicule, without measuring dangers, without paying attention to consequences.   

        Let's get to work, comrades, and the future will be for our ideal. 

        Land and Freedom.


  1. Hi, thanks for this translation. I myself am spending more time reading RegeneraciĆ³n for this effort:

    We should connect. Feel free to email me at theblast [at] protonmail [dot] com


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